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Budgeting Policy 211.01
Johnson County Community College
Series: 200 Administrative Services
Section: Budgeting

Applicability: This Policy applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) departments and operations.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to govern the College’s budget practices.


I. Management Budget:

The President or designee shall annually prepare a Management Budget of estimated income and expense on a fiscal year basis for presentation to the Board of Trustees (“Board”), along with a recommended mill levy sufficient to finance that part of the budget which is not financed by anticipated state aid, student tuition and fees, or other sources of income.

The Board shall approve the Management Budget on or before the last day of the then-current fiscal year. The adoption of the Management Budget by the Board indicates that approval is given to make salary adjustments and procure goods and services provided for in the budget in accordance with applicable policies and procedures.

The President shall have the authority to approve reallocations within the approved budget. The President or designee will semiannually submit to the Board a report identifying reallocations in accordance with procedures established for such reporting.

II. Legal Budget:

The President or designee shall annually prepare a Legal Budget in the form prescribed by the Kansas Board of Regents.

The College will publish notice of the time and place of a public hearing on the proposed Legal Budget in the manner prescribed by law.

Subsequent to the public hearing, the Board shall adopt the Legal Budget. The College will file with the County Clerk and the Kansas Board of Regents a copy of the adopted Legal Budget, with all required supporting documentation, on or before the date required by law each year.

III. Year-End Funds:

At the June 30 fiscal year-end, unexpended General/Post-Secondary Technical Education Fund budget balances will “expire,” and such budget balances will carry forward into the beginning cash of the General/Post-Secondary Technical Education Funds for the subsequent fiscal year.

Date of Adoption: 07/06/1982
Revised: 08/18/2016 (material incorporated from Legal Budgeting Policy 211.02 and Use of Year End Funds Policy 211.01a), 07/21/2022
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